
Customize Worksheet

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Problem Types
U.S. Lengths
x inches = ____ feet
x inches = ____ yards
x inches = ____ miles
x feet = ____ inches
x feet = ____ yards
x feet = ____ miles
x yards = ____ inches
x yards = ____ feet
x yards = ____ miles
x miles = ____ inches
x miles = ____ feet
x miles = ____ yards

U.S. Mass
x ounces = ____ pounds
x ounces = ____ tons
x pounds = ____ ounces
x pounds = ____ tons
x tons = ____ ounces
x tons = ____ pounds

U.S. Volume
x teaspoons = ____ tablespoons
x teaspoons = ____ fluid ounces
x teaspoons = ____ cups
x teaspoons = ____ pints
x teaspoons = ____ quarts
x teaspoons = ____ gallons
x tablespoons = ____ teaspoons
x tablespoons = ____ fluid ounces
x tablespoons = ____ cups
x tablespoons = ____ pints
x tablespoons = ____ quarts
x tablespoons = ____ gallons
x fluid ounces = ____ teaspoons
x fluid ounces = ____ tablespoons
x fluid ounces = ____ cups
x fluid ounces = ____ pints
x fluid ounces = ____ quarts
x fluid ounces = ____ gallons
x cups = ____ teaspoons
x cups = ____ tablespoons
x cups = ____ fluid ounces
x cups = ____ pints
x cups = ____ quarts
x cups = ____ gallons
x pints = ____ teaspoons
x pints = ____ tablespoons
x pints = ____ fluid ounces
x pints = ____ cups
x pints = ____ quarts
x pints = ____ gallons
x quarts = ____ teaspoons
x quarts = ____ tablespoons
x quarts = ____ fluid ounces
x quarts = ____ cups
x quarts = ____ pints
x quarts = ____ gallons
x gallons = ____ teaspoons
x gallons = ____ tablespoons
x gallons = ____ fluid ounces
x gallons = ____ cups
x gallons = ____ pints
x gallons = ____ quarts

Metric Length
x millimeters = ____ centimeters
x millimeters = ____ meters
x millimeters = ____ kilometers
x centimeters = ____ millimeters
x centimeters = ____ meters
x centimeters = ____ kilometers
x meters = ____ millimeters
x meters = ____ centimeters
x meters = ____ kilometers
x kilometers = ____ millimeters
x kilometers = ____ centimeters
x kilometers = ____ meters

Metric Volume
x milliliters = ____ liters
x liters = ____ milliliters

Metric Mass
x milligrams = ____ grams
x milligrams = ____ kilograms
x milligrams = ____ metric tons
x grams = ____ milligrams
x grams = ____ kilograms
x grams = ____ metric tons
x kilograms = ____ milligrams
x kilograms = ____ grams
x kilograms = ____ metric tons
x metric tons = ____ milligrams
x metric tons = ____ grams
x metric tons = ____ kilograms

x seconds = ____ minutes
x seconds = ____ hours
x seconds = ____ days
x minutes = ____ seconds
x minutes = ____ hours
x minutes = ____ days
x hours = ____ seconds
x hours = ____ minutes
x hours = ____ days
x days = ____ seconds
x days = ____ minutes
x days = ____ hours
x days = ____ weeks
x weeks = ____ days
x months = ____ years
x years = ____ months
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Formatting Options
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